From Old to New. Stained Composite Resin Replacement.

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Composite restorations can get stained over time. Many factors contribute to staining, but the main one is shrinkage in the aging material creating gaps where cavities can form. Stains should be removed if the integrity of the filling is compromised, a hole is present, or there is a cavity under the filling. Dr. Phi Phan at Elegant Smiles in Las Vegas is an expert in checking the integrity of your old composite fillings and replacing them so that they are stain free. Are they just going to stain again? To minimize this risk, Dr. Phan uses excellent technique and isolation (to keep the tooth dry during placement) which are imperative for a longer lasting new composite resin.

Smooth, beautiful, and new.



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.